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Being Yours

I love connecting with you. I love it when you write to me well ahead of the date of the engagement you’d like. Ideally two weeks or more! I love it when you write me about yourself without my having to ask. I love that you want me to know about you too. Because I really do want to know about you. I want to know what makes you happy, what you’re passionate about. I want to be able to connect with you on a level beyond what’s typically expected of ladies you find where you found me.

I love that you send me all the information I need to be comfortable meeting with you alone. I love that you send it right away without my having to ask for it. I love that you've read my website and know answers to most of the questions you might have had. I love that you start a little email conversation with me about something we might have in common. I love that you paid attention to what I’ve written on my site and on my blog.

I think it’s so sexy when you meet me dressed nicely and are clean shaven and nicely groomed. I love the gentle smell of your cologne. I love how we greet each other like old friends, embracing and then some. I love that we can talk about almost anything and be completely rapt with each other before moving on to other parts of our journey. I love that we meet as equals; allowing the boundaries of this little world to be the only ones. That while we’re together, you lose yourself in me and I lose myself in you. That we share passion and true caring- a deep sense of connection- while we are together. That sometimes we can tell each other exactly how we’re feeling, knowing the other is not going to take it out of context, and that our affections and tenderness with each other remain right there- in that space. Sacred to us, but not binding in any way. I love that my body remembers you. I love that my body remembers you, even when I merely see your name in my email inbox.

And I love that our abandon remains within it’s little walled garden paradise. No bleeding into our real lives, no strings, no mess. Just joy, passion, happiness.

I love being yours.

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